Communiqué de presse

Canadian Cancer Society welcomes new Saskatchewan legislation on electronic cigarettes


The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) says new legislation to regulate vaping products is an important first step in curbing the increase in youth vaping. Evidence indicates that youth who use e-cigarettes with nicotine may become addicted and are at increased risk of becoming smokers. The new laws will restrict where people can vape and will eliminate all promotion and advertising of these products in retail establishments and on outdoor signs.

“Young people should not be exposed to advertisements and promotion for electronic cigarettes every time they walk into a convenience store,” says Donna Pasiechnik, Health Policy Analyst, CCS. “Restricting the advertising of these highly addictive products is an important first step in addressing the alarming increase in youth vaping rates.”

A recent study by University of Waterloo researchers published in June by the British Medical Journal found that youth vaping in Canada increased among people 16-19 years old by 74% in a single year, from 2017 to 2018.  Today’s announcement brings Saskatchewan’s regulations in line with 10 other Canadian provinces and territories.  CCS has been advocating for electronic cigarette legislation in Saskatchewan for many years.

“While this ban is a step in the right direction, more action is required if we hope to stop a new generation of young people from becoming addicted to nicotine through electronic cigarettes,” says Rob Cunningham, Senior Policy Analyst, CCS. “The sale of vaping products, and at a minimum the sale of flavoured vaping products, must be prohibited at convenience stores and gas stations, and only allowed at adult-only specialty stores. We are also calling on the Saskatchewan government to increase the minimum sales age for electronic cigarettes and tobacco products to at least 19, and ideally 21. There is no reason for the tobacco and electronic cigarette age to be 18, lower than the alcohol and cannabis age of 19.”

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in Canada, killing 45,000 Canadians annually, including about 30% of all cancer deaths. There are still 5 million Canadians who smoke, representing 16% of the population aged 12+. An enormous amount of work needs to be done on a pressing basis to reduce youth smoking and vaping and to achieve the objective of under 5% of Canadians using tobacco by 2035.

About the Canadian Cancer Society
The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is the only national charity that supports Canadians with all cancers in communities across the country. No other organization does what we do; we are the voice for Canadians who care about cancer. We fund groundbreaking research, provide a support system for all those affected by cancer and advocate to governments for important social change. 

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For more information, please contact:

Donna Pasiechnik
Health Policy Analyst
Canadian Cancer Society
306-790-9871 or 306-533-5288 cell