Travel awards

CCS is holding a special competition for the Black in Cancer Conference 2022

Deadline dates

The application form is available for download here 

Full application deadline:
August 8, 2022
Results announcement:
End of August

Program description

Travel Awards to PhD, MD, or MD/PhD students, and post-doctoral/medical/clinical fellows are available. The purpose of this program is to defray the travel costs associated with making a scientific presentation as a first author or presenter at the Black in Cancer Conference 2022

Funds available

It is anticipated that up to 5 Travel Awards, or a maximum of $25,000 CAD will be awarded in this competition.

Note: Eligible expenses include:

  1. Conference registration fees (where eligible);
  2. Accommodations; and
  3. Transportation, and will not exceed $5,000 CAD.


Applicants must be either a:

  • registered student in a PhD, MD, or MD/PhD program
  • post-doctoral fellow (within 5 years of attaining their PhD)
  • medical resident/clinical fellow 

At the time of the conference, PhD, MD, MD/PhD students must be registered at an eligible Canadian host institution.

Trainee positions must be undertaken at an eligible Canadian institution.

Candidates must be attending the conference for the purpose of presenting data (paper or poster presentation) from a cancer-related project on a first-author or presenter basis. Acceptance is not required at the time of application, but is a requirement to be eligible to claim the award.

Note that acknowledgement of CCS funding must be included in the paper or the poster.

It is not a requirement that the research supervisor or department head be supported by a Canadian Cancer Society research grant.

Individuals may receive a Travel Award only once per stage of training (e.g. PhD, MD, Post-doctoral fellow)

The application will require details of the conference, applicant CV, presentation details, role in research being presented, justification statement, budget, abstract, and information regarding the candidate's supervisor, who must also provide a letter of support. The application form is available here.

A Notification of Award will be issued to the award recipient indicating the maximum amount of travel expenses approved. Travel awards are normally paid on a reimbursement basis.

The expense claim must be made within 3 months of the conference date to be eligible for reimbursement. The reimbursement will not exceed the amount indicated on the Notification of Award.

Note that it is not necessary to submit a Financial Statement for this award.

After the conference, awardees are required to submit a short report on the benefits of their attendance at the conference. The report template will be emailed to successful award recipients and must be submitted to CCS prior to the expense claim being approved.

It is understood that applications may also be made to other agencies to provide support for travel similar to those submitted to the Canadian Cancer Society. Applicants are required to declare other sources of funds in the budget section

Last modified on: July 21st, 2022