When should I be screened for breast cancer?

Whatever your age, you should know what is normal for your breasts and tell your healthcare provider if you notice any changes. Once you reach a certain age, you can also go for screening mammography (a low-dose x-ray). Mammography is the most reliable method of finding breast cancer.

Our recommendation

Woman age 50 to 74

If you are 40 to 74

Have a mammogram every 2 years.

Woman age 75 plus

If you are 75 or older

Talk to your healthcare provider about whether having a mammogram is right for you.

Our advocacy work

Not every province or territory offers mammograms through their organized program or by self-referral for people in their 40s. We are advocating to ensure that women and trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people at average risk have fair and timely access to breast cancer screening, no matter where they live.

It's your decision

Women and trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people should be aware of the benefits and limitations of screening mammography based on their age and risks to help decide if it is right for them. Talk with your healthcare provider to help make your decision.

Your healthcare provider may also do a physical exam of your breasts (called a clinical breast examination) to check for signs of cancer.

Women and trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people who are at high risk for breast cancer may need to be tested more often and at an earlier age than those with average risk. Talk to your healthcare provider about your risk.

How do I know if I am at high risk for breast cancer?

Some women and trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people have a higher than average risk of developing breast cancer. You may be at a higher risk if you have:

  • a strong family history of breast cancer
  • certain gene mutations, such as the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation
  • a personal history of lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), invasive breast cancer or atypical hyperplasia
  • dense breast tissue
  • had radiation therapy to the breast or chest

Talk to your healthcare provider about your risk. If you are at higher than average risk, you may need a personal plan for testing. This may include:

  • mammography at a younger age
  • more frequent mammography
  • ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Some provinces and territories have programs or protocols for those at high risk. The criteria for high risk varies by province and territory. Talk to your healthcare provider about which screening program is best for you and at what age you should start screening if you are at higher risk. We are also advocating to ensure that women and trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people at high risk have fair and timely access to breast cancer screening, no matter where they live.